Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Meatless Monday: Cheese Ravioli
This time, however, it was not the case.
I have been thinking about trying to make my own pasta for quite some time now, but the fact that we do not own a pasta press scared me off of the prospect just a little. When I did decide to do it anyway, I opted for little homemade raviolis, since they seem to be the easiest to make. I have made homemade dumplings, like potstickers, before.. and these seemed to be somewhere along those lines.
Ricotta & Pesto Ravioli (Serves 4-6)
4C, All-Purpose Flour
4 Eggs
1 tsp, Salt
1/4C, Cold Water
1 container, Ricotta Cheese
1 Egg
4 Tbs, Parmesan, grated
4 Tbs, prepared Basil Pesto
Salt & Pepper, to taste.
+1 Egg, beaten.
Combine the ingredients for the flour and knead until well combined. (About 5 minutes). Separate dough into 4 equal balls, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
Meanwhile, combine the ingredients for the filling. Here's where you can get creative with your own combinations. I used ricotta and pesto, but the options are endless.. different cheeses, veggies like sundried tomato or spinach.. mm.
Once the dough has chilled, roll the balls into 4 equal-sized sheets. This is where a roller would have come in handy. I think the raviolis would have been just that much better had I been able to get the dough thin enough. That, and it was quite a workout, all that rolling!!!
Place the sheets out on your work surface, and start spooning out the filling, about a tablespoon at a time, onto them. You'll be able to fit between 12-16 spoonfuls onto the sheets, depending on how thin you were able to roll out the dough.
Brush beaten egg onto the second sheet, and then place it over the first and the filling. Use a fork to seal around the outside edge. While you're doing this, throw on a large pot of salted water and bring it to a rolling boil.
I then used a pizza cutter to cut the excess from the sides and in-between each spoonful of filling. Then used a fork once again to seal the edges all the way around. Once finished, you'll end up with a cute little ravioli.
Place these little pieces one by one into the boiling water, and cook them until they float up to the surface. It should take between 5-7 minutes.
Drain them well, and top them with your favourite sauce. Homemade or otherwise! I used a tomato sauce, and served them piping hot with fresh bread and a salad.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
ABC's of Mrs B.
A. Age: Somewhere in between 20-30. ;)B. Bed size: Double. I KNOW.
C. Chore you hate: Laundry. Ack. Three kids and a husband who changes twice a day.
D. Dogs: I love me some Basset Hounds. One day I will own one.
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee.
F. Favorite color: Red or Orange. Love them both equally.
G. Gold or silver: Silver.
H. Height: 5′1″ (&1/4) YES THE 1/4 IS IMPORTANT.
I. Instruments you play: I can sing & play the piano at a beginners level. I can learn by ear. I cannot read music.J. Job Title: Momma.
K. Kids: Hailey-8. Kaleb-5. Trenton-4mos. They're all kinds of awesome.
L. Live: Ontario, CA.
M. Mom’s name: Alicia. (Pronounced A-Lee-Sha)
N. Nicknames: Weiner, Tango, Palmy.. among a few others that are far too embarassing and inappropriate to list.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Childbirth X3.
P. Pet peeve: selfishness in general is a pretty big turnoff for me.
Q. Quote from a movie:
Vincent: "That's a pretty fucking good milkshake. I don't know if it's worth five dollars but it's pretty fucking good."
(Pulp Fiction)
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: Robert
T. Time you wake up: 5am Boobfeed & up for the day between 7-730.
U. Underwear: Only with jeans or a dress/skirt.
V. Vegetables you dislike: I like all veggies. Unless they are overcooked. But I'll still eat 'em.
W. What makes you run late: Procrastination?
X. X-Rays you’ve had: MRI on head & lungs, X-Rays on teeth, ankle & ribs.
Y. Yummy food you make: I am an excellent cook. XD
Z. Zoo animal: I could watch the otters play for hours.
A. Age: Somewhere in between 20-30. ;)B. Bed size: Double. I KNOW.
C. Chore you hate: Laundry. Ack. Three kids and a husband who changes twice a day.
D. Dogs: I love me some Basset Hounds. One day I will own one.
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee.
F. Favorite color: Red or Orange. Love them both equally.
G. Gold or silver: Silver.
H. Height: 5′1″ (&1/4) YES THE 1/4 IS IMPORTANT.
I. Instruments you play: I can sing & play the piano at a beginners level. I can learn by ear. I cannot read music.J. Job Title: Momma.
K. Kids: Hailey-8. Kaleb-5. Trenton-4mos. They're all kinds of awesome.
L. Live: Ontario, CA.
M. Mom’s name: Alicia. (Pronounced A-Lee-Sha)
N. Nicknames: Weiner, Tango, Palmy.. among a few others that are far too embarassing and inappropriate to list.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Childbirth X3.
P. Pet peeve: selfishness in general is a pretty big turnoff for me.
Q. Quote from a movie:
Vincent: "That's a pretty fucking good milkshake. I don't know if it's worth five dollars but it's pretty fucking good."
(Pulp Fiction)
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: Robert
T. Time you wake up: 5am Boobfeed & up for the day between 7-730.
U. Underwear: Only with jeans or a dress/skirt.
V. Vegetables you dislike: I like all veggies. Unless they are overcooked. But I'll still eat 'em.
W. What makes you run late: Procrastination?
X. X-Rays you’ve had: MRI on head & lungs, X-Rays on teeth, ankle & ribs.
Y. Yummy food you make: I am an excellent cook. XD
Z. Zoo animal: I could watch the otters play for hours.
The bad days {& when they become fewer and further between}
He was tired, I was tired. He had a friend over and from the time he woke up he was becoming increasingly over-stimulated and frustrated.
He was doing his laps, he was stuttering his words. He was closing his eyes tight and growling. He was screaming and squealing and with every word he spoke, his voice went up an octave and became louder and louder. I was exhausted, so was he. By the end, he collapsed in his bed in a fit of tears and anger and fell asleep.
An hour later he came down the stairs, one by one.
"I'm sorry Mommy". He said quietly and came over to me when he embraced me in a great, big bear hug. The ones only he can give.
"It's okay Buddy". I said back, enjoying the hug and thinking back to just two short years ago when it was hard to get him to give even the smallest hug, let alone have him linger there for longer than a few seconds.
Some days, most days, I forget that we have a child with Aspergers. On most days, we are so stuck in our routine and our adapted way of dealing with everything that is thrown at us that I don't notice that our Kaleb is just a little bit different. A little bit different in a totally awesome way.
Most days, he just seems a little louder, a little more stubborn, a little more obsessive than most kids.
Then there are days like thursday. Days when I just want to throw myself down on the floor like a child and hug my knees to my chest and cry. Days when he is so emotionally exhausting that I just want to throw my hands in the air and stop trying.
These are the days that I have to stop and think. When I have to remind myself what it was like just one, two, three years ago, when he could barely put a sentence together, when we couldn't understand what he was trying to say and he would hit himself. When he didn't even call me "Mama". When I would cry at the thought that I was doing something wrong.
I need to stop and think about those days and never, ever forget how I felt at that very moment, because that's when I realize that I will never be there again. That we are all improving with every passing day. That the tantrums and the running and the frustration gets thinner all the time and we continue to see such a difference in our boy.
I mean, how lucky are we?? We get to experience this journey with our son. And even though there are a few "Thursdays" thrown in the mix, even though there are plenty of negative feelings and sadness and emotions that we can't even begin to articulate, we are a family, and we are amazing.
And so is he.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A pretty package came today..
It's especially exciting when said piece of mail is something that you have been waiting oh so patiently for.
I opened this box like a child on christmas day. I very gently pulled the pretty little handmade paper mobile from the bottom and held it up over Trenton's head.
He started, in awe as it twirled, ever so slightly. He most definitely approved.
Together, we walked upstairs to the room that Rob and I take so much pride in. The room we have been working on with so much love and care for the past year. We hung the mobile up above the crib in just the right spot and talked about the colours, the pictures, the way it spiraled in such a delicate way. He reached out his little hand and touched the little circles, just so.
And just like that, the final piece of this little room is in place.
You can find your own pretty handmade mobiles and other baby things at Lil' Sprout Creations
Friday, March 18, 2011
Regarding my absence
You will have to excuse the lack of posts over the past week. I have found myself stuck somewhere between birthday parties, teething babies, good company and a lack of sleep.
This past week has been a blur! We had some family over for the better part of the week and have been keeping ourselves (and the kids!) busy this March break.
Throw into the mix a 4 month old baby who is sprouting two tiny teeth on the bottom of his mouth and sleeping alot less, and you've got yourself a tired momma.
I'm going to give myself the weekend to relax and renew, and here's hoping I'll be back and fresh as ever come monday morning.
Sometimes you just need a little me time.
This past week has been a blur! We had some family over for the better part of the week and have been keeping ourselves (and the kids!) busy this March break.
Throw into the mix a 4 month old baby who is sprouting two tiny teeth on the bottom of his mouth and sleeping alot less, and you've got yourself a tired momma.
I'm going to give myself the weekend to relax and renew, and here's hoping I'll be back and fresh as ever come monday morning.
Sometimes you just need a little me time.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Twelve Months of Trenton (4)
Weight: 13Lb 6Oz
Length: aprx 25-26 Inches
10-25th Percentile for weight, 90th Percentile for height
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, some 3-6M sleepers Size 2 diapers
-Babbles all the time
-Smiles at everything.
-Can fully reach out and grab toys that are in front of him
-Squeals. Loud
-Sleeps from 8pm-7ish am, waking twice usually.
-Knows "Mama" and "Dada" and will look at the person when he hears the name.
-Can roll from tummy to back
-Rolls onto his side by arching his back. Has to be strapped in everywhere now, no matter what.
-Finally laughed!!
Favourite things:
-His crinkly yellow dog
-His lovey. either the cuski or his little blanket.
-His big fleece blanket. He wants it touching his face if he is going to sleep
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I know.
This month, Trenton finally giggled at us. He makes us work HARD for laughs, and doesnt laugh from his gut yet, but boy do those little giggles ever make my day.

Length: aprx 25-26 Inches
10-25th Percentile for weight, 90th Percentile for height
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, some 3-6M sleepers Size 2 diapers
-Babbles all the time
-Smiles at everything.
-Can fully reach out and grab toys that are in front of him
-Squeals. Loud
-Sleeps from 8pm-7ish am, waking twice usually.
-Knows "Mama" and "Dada" and will look at the person when he hears the name.
-Can roll from tummy to back
-Rolls onto his side by arching his back. Has to be strapped in everywhere now, no matter what.
-Finally laughed!!
Favourite things:
-His crinkly yellow dog
-His lovey. either the cuski or his little blanket.
-His big fleece blanket. He wants it touching his face if he is going to sleep
-Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I know.
This month, Trenton finally giggled at us. He makes us work HARD for laughs, and doesnt laugh from his gut yet, but boy do those little giggles ever make my day.
busy days & spring around the corner
This morning we woke up to more snow that had been rained on for the better part of the early morning and is now a thick slush. We are supposed to get some more tonight.
I think today, I am going to stay home and do laundry and not step a foot out the door.
Tomorrow is the start to another busy weekend. I have to make the drive into town to pick up some last minute things for the girl's birthday party on Saturday.
Once the weekend is over, March Break is upon us. a busy week of mostly trying to keep the kids occupied so that they forget how bored they are. :) So far we have some swimming and some visits planned.
After the break is over, I think that I am going to put myself in a springtime frame of mind and start cleaning the house of the winter blah. It might still be frightful outside, but that's no reason to be in a negative mood. Maybe I'll be so busy cleaning and being happy that the weather will change to pretty when I'm not looking.
So long for now.
I think today, I am going to stay home and do laundry and not step a foot out the door.
Tomorrow is the start to another busy weekend. I have to make the drive into town to pick up some last minute things for the girl's birthday party on Saturday.
Once the weekend is over, March Break is upon us. a busy week of mostly trying to keep the kids occupied so that they forget how bored they are. :) So far we have some swimming and some visits planned.
After the break is over, I think that I am going to put myself in a springtime frame of mind and start cleaning the house of the winter blah. It might still be frightful outside, but that's no reason to be in a negative mood. Maybe I'll be so busy cleaning and being happy that the weather will change to pretty when I'm not looking.
So long for now.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
To my oldest child on her birthday.
My dearest Haileybear;
Something happened yesterday.
Yesterday you magically turned from a 7 year old into an 8 year old. Know what that means? That means that I have been a mother for 8 whole years.
From the time you wok up until the time you went to bed, you were in a fabulous mood. Something about birthdays does that to us, doesn't it? Even as we get older, and we complain to everyone around us that we are getting older, something about our birthday makes us feel special, if only for a day.
I'm not going to lie and tell you that I'm completely happy about your birthdays though. It makes me really emotional to see you grow so quickly. You are my first child and my only daughter. Something about that makes you special and gives us an incredible bond that we will always share, no matter what.
But I can tell you this,
Watching you grow has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life.
You are unbelievably beautiful. (Did I really make you?!) You are sensitive and kind. You are so, so, so smart. You are diplomatic. You are a good friend. You are a good person.
Yesterday, you wanted sticky chicken in the slow cooker and rice for dinner. We had cupcakes made with love and cream cheese frosting. You opened your presents from us (clothes, shoes) and from your brothers (sunglasses, earrings) and were so happy and grateful, and then Daddy came downstairs with your new bike and you were the most excited I have seen you in a long time and it made my heart smile.
I love you babygirl. Here's to the next 8, beautiful years.
Love, Mommy
Something happened yesterday.
Yesterday you magically turned from a 7 year old into an 8 year old. Know what that means? That means that I have been a mother for 8 whole years.
From the time you wok up until the time you went to bed, you were in a fabulous mood. Something about birthdays does that to us, doesn't it? Even as we get older, and we complain to everyone around us that we are getting older, something about our birthday makes us feel special, if only for a day.
I'm not going to lie and tell you that I'm completely happy about your birthdays though. It makes me really emotional to see you grow so quickly. You are my first child and my only daughter. Something about that makes you special and gives us an incredible bond that we will always share, no matter what.
But I can tell you this,
Watching you grow has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life.
You are unbelievably beautiful. (Did I really make you?!) You are sensitive and kind. You are so, so, so smart. You are diplomatic. You are a good friend. You are a good person.
Yesterday, you wanted sticky chicken in the slow cooker and rice for dinner. We had cupcakes made with love and cream cheese frosting. You opened your presents from us (clothes, shoes) and from your brothers (sunglasses, earrings) and were so happy and grateful, and then Daddy came downstairs with your new bike and you were the most excited I have seen you in a long time and it made my heart smile.
I love you babygirl. Here's to the next 8, beautiful years.
Love, Mommy
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Time {& lack thereof}
You hear it all the time as a parent.
"The time goes by so fast, you won't believe it."
"The older you get, the faster life passes you by"
"Cherish them while they're small, before you know it, they'll be grown."
Those cliches that you hear during your first pregnancy and the first year of your first child's life.
And then, before you know it, you start saying them yourself.
"I can't believe he/she is (x age) already.. where did the past (x years) go??!!"We all hear it. We all do it. Because it's true.
Last night, dear friends of our welcomed their first baby into the world. He came out a beautiful, blonde, healthy 8lbs and 9oz of pure amazing. I am beyond happy for them. Their journey into parenthood has been long and arduous, and this child was wanted so, so badly. If anyone deserves such happiness, it is them and the boy will be loved immesurably. Without a doubt.
Today I went to see the happy family of three at the hospital. I knew it would be an emotional visit on so many levels, but I was unprepared for just how emotional it would be.
I saw a newborn for the first time since my boy was born exactly 16 weeks ago. It was hard proof that my tiny little baby is growing. Fast.
It is so bittersweet. I love seeing him play and learn and reach milestones. It is amazing, no matter how many children you have, it will never cease to be amazing.
But this time, it's the last. The last pregnancy, the last baby. The last first smile. The last first laugh. The last breastfeeding relationship. The last finger grasp and spit bubbles. The last time I will carry around a car seat and wake up for midnight feedings and fall asleep with my baby on my chest. The last time I will lay awake listening for little breaths,
in & out.. in & out.
It feels as though a small part of our lives is behind us, and while we are looking ahead at our future with our family with immese positivity and wonder and joy, there is a part of my heart that aches so incredibly.
We are closing the chapter of pregnancy and birth and babies and entering another chapter in our lives together. who knows what the future will bring, but for now, I'm going to make sure that I savor each and every tiny moment that I possibly can...
Because time goes by so fast.
"The time goes by so fast, you won't believe it."
"The older you get, the faster life passes you by"
"Cherish them while they're small, before you know it, they'll be grown."
Those cliches that you hear during your first pregnancy and the first year of your first child's life.
And then, before you know it, you start saying them yourself.
"I can't believe he/she is (x age) already.. where did the past (x years) go??!!"We all hear it. We all do it. Because it's true.
Last night, dear friends of our welcomed their first baby into the world. He came out a beautiful, blonde, healthy 8lbs and 9oz of pure amazing. I am beyond happy for them. Their journey into parenthood has been long and arduous, and this child was wanted so, so badly. If anyone deserves such happiness, it is them and the boy will be loved immesurably. Without a doubt.
Today I went to see the happy family of three at the hospital. I knew it would be an emotional visit on so many levels, but I was unprepared for just how emotional it would be.
I saw a newborn for the first time since my boy was born exactly 16 weeks ago. It was hard proof that my tiny little baby is growing. Fast.
It is so bittersweet. I love seeing him play and learn and reach milestones. It is amazing, no matter how many children you have, it will never cease to be amazing.
But this time, it's the last. The last pregnancy, the last baby. The last first smile. The last first laugh. The last breastfeeding relationship. The last finger grasp and spit bubbles. The last time I will carry around a car seat and wake up for midnight feedings and fall asleep with my baby on my chest. The last time I will lay awake listening for little breaths,
in & out.. in & out.
It feels as though a small part of our lives is behind us, and while we are looking ahead at our future with our family with immese positivity and wonder and joy, there is a part of my heart that aches so incredibly.
We are closing the chapter of pregnancy and birth and babies and entering another chapter in our lives together. who knows what the future will bring, but for now, I'm going to make sure that I savor each and every tiny moment that I possibly can...
Because time goes by so fast.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Meatless Monday {better late than never!}
Today I bring you an incredibly simple (but delicious) recipe that can be whipped together for breakfast, lunch or dinner, using ingredients that most of us have on hand at any given time.
Eggs Poached in Tomato Sauce with Spinach
-Eggs (amount depending on number of people eating & how hungry everyone is!)
-Tomato sauce (homemade or otherwise)
-Olive Oil
-Bread (the crustier, the better!)
Fill sauce pan with enough sauce to cover however many eggs you will be poaching, and let it come to a simmer. Add eggs and cover.
Meanwhile, saute spinach in olive oil and garlic until it is just wilted and toast bread.
Once eggs are set to desired doneness, remove them from the sauce and place them on top of your toast, with the spinach on the side.
So easy. So yummy.
(I wasn't feeling super hungry when I had this for lunch, so mine was eaten with some carmalized onions that I had in the fridge)
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& some of the past
- Wordless Wednesday {Brotherly Love}
- Meatless Monday: Cheese Ravioli
- ABC's of Mrs B.
- The bad days {& when they become fewer and further...
- Wordless Wednesday { a different perspective }
- A pretty package came today..
- Regarding my absence
- Wordless Wednesday {Three little fish}
- Twelve Months of Trenton (4)
- busy days & spring around the corner
- Wordless Wednesday {Pancake Tuesday!}
- To my oldest child on her birthday.
- Time {& lack thereof}
- Wordless Wednesday {One, Two, Three}
- Meatless Monday {better late than never!}