My name is Janyne B. and this is my little corner.
Here you'll find my thoughts and my stories. You'll read about my life and the things in it that I hold dearly.
I am a twenty-something, married, mother of three... living in a big old house in a little town you've probably never heard of. I try to see the bright side of everything and everyone.
My family is by far the most important thing in my life.
Hailey, the oldest and only girl, is 8 (and a half! As she would insist I add, were she reading) She is a spunky, sensitive, free-spirited kid with the bluest eyes and the kindest soul you'll ever encounter.
Kaleb, the middle child, is 6 years old. Kaleb was diagnosed with ASD and SPD at the tender age of three and he keeps us on our toes. He is hilarious, beautiful and kind.(And he talk about Mario too much for my comfort.)
Trenton, or T as he is often called, is the baby. He completed our family and brings us so much joy, every day.
The hubby is Rob. He's my partner-in-crime.. my best friend. He is everything and more. I couldn't do it without this man by my side, plain and simple. & best of all, he loves me right back.
So that's me, in a nutshell. want to know more? Read away.
& please do say hello.
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