Weight: aprx 13.5
Length: aprx 25 Inches
25-30th Percentile.
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, Size 2 diapers
-Makes a throaty "guuhhh" sound (kind of like Chewbacca)
-Smiles at everything.
-Holds thing that are placed in his hand.
-Learning to squeal.
-Is starting to grab at toys when placed in front of him.
-Initially sleeps a 5-6 hour stretch at night.
-Can awkwardly get his nummy into his mouth.
-Knows his name and turns/smiles when he hears it.
-Can roll from tummy to back
Favourite things:
-Boob juice
-Soother (Still addicted)
-Being naked
-Tummy Time
This month, Trent figured out (while sitting in his swing) how to kick off his blanket. Dada was sitting in front of him & kept placing it on his legs. Trenton would then smile, squeal, and promptly kick it back off. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
No laughs yet, but we can tell they're coming.

Length: aprx 25 Inches
25-30th Percentile.
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, Size 2 diapers
-Makes a throaty "guuhhh" sound (kind of like Chewbacca)
-Smiles at everything.
-Holds thing that are placed in his hand.
-Learning to squeal.
-Is starting to grab at toys when placed in front of him.
-Initially sleeps a 5-6 hour stretch at night.
-Can awkwardly get his nummy into his mouth.
-Knows his name and turns/smiles when he hears it.
-Can roll from tummy to back
Favourite things:
-Boob juice
-Soother (Still addicted)
-Being naked
-Tummy Time
This month, Trent figured out (while sitting in his swing) how to kick off his blanket. Dada was sitting in front of him & kept placing it on his legs. Trenton would then smile, squeal, and promptly kick it back off. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
No laughs yet, but we can tell they're coming.
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