We've had a rough start this week.. on Sunday things went wrong at work and I didn't walk through the doors into the comfort of home until 3am.
The next morning after a rather sleepless night, I awoke to a toddler who had developed a fever and subsequently, a clingy disposition. Just one of those things.
Luckily that boy does love his naps and we enjoyed a blissful 2 hours snuggled warm and close in my bed.
Last night, the fever came back with a vengeance and so our night was rough yet again.. but I look forward to cuddling with him in a few hours, allowing our bodies and minds to catch up.
This is all relative, unfortunately. I think my poor Trenton has had all but an easy time adjusting to his ever-present mama returning to the work force.. and although I know the socialization and structure of being in daycare throughout the day is good for him, it breaks my heart to see him struggle with changes, and a part of me wishes that I could wrap him up and hide somewhere, where it could be just the two of us and all his little fears and feelings would just go away and he could stay my tiny mama's boy forever and ever.
Alas, life doesn't work like that, and come tomorrow I will spend another evening away, another evening where I don't get to tuck him in, safe and warm and kiss his nose before he drifts off to sleep. I will sneak in once I arrive and steal a touch of his cheek and whisper an "I love you" after he is already lost in dreamland.
But for today, It's just you and me.
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