Do you ever find yourself wishing for something different?
We all do it, dreaming and wondering what life would be like "if only..." I am perfectly content with our life as it is. More than content, I am grateful. I have been blessed beyond measure. I have been given 3 beautiful children, I live in a home that is warm and cozy and filled with laughter. I have great neighbors and friends and family that I can count on. I have a husband who I know really loves me and is the best father to our children and partner to me that I could have ever hoped for. We have healthy meals on our table every night and clean drinking water and two vehicles and a cat who is like another child and running water and a swingset. We have plenty of things we don't need like televisions and a computer for each family member and little wicker balls that sit in a basket on the kitchen table.
I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who dream of big houses on acres of meticulously kept lawns and housekeepers and expensive cars and linens on big, four-poster beds and while I readily admit that coming across a large sum of money and living debt and mortgage free would be wonderful, it isn't what I find myself dreaming of. I find myself dreaming of a life free of all the little extras and complexities that we surround ourselves with. Wishing that we were born in a different time, when life was simpler and we didn't let the little beauties in life pass us by quite so easily.
If I had my way, we would rid ourselves of as much of our complicated life as we could as live self-sustained. We would be surrounded by those that we care about and not have to resort to email or a 10 minute long phone converstation to know what is happening in their lives at that moment.
For now, I will let the "if only's" stay where they belong. In my head.
As for my life, I will try my best to apply these ideals as best I can. I will teach my children the value of the little things and teach them the difference between a need and a want. I will try to teach them to be grateful for the lives they live the things they have, and to place relationships and love above material possessions and money.
If I can accomplish even one of these things, I will feel like a successful parent, and I will be a happy mother.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Overthinking {& the job that never ends}
Recently, my oldest child (and only precious little baby daughter) has started to wonder about the world around her. Has starting sprouting a curiosity about things that I wish would just stay away, at least for a few more years. I'm not sure that I am quite ready to deal with all of this. I'm not sure that I even know how to deal with all of this.
How do I know the right way to approach these touchy issues with sensitivity and love? How will I know the right answer to questions that I wish were never asked in the first place? How do I allow her to embrace her curiosity about life while keeping her innocence intact? Is this even a possibility?
There are always going to be new and incredibly difficult challenges to face as a parent, and as I learn every day, there will never be a time when parenting becomes easy. There are always going to be situations that I have ever encountered and I am never going to have all the answers. Even with the internet, (blessed, blessed internet) no amount of research is ever going to provide me with a solution that will be perfect for us.
These are the times when I have to just breathe, and let go. To throw caution into the wind and use my insticts as a mother. I need to tell that little voice in my heart that I cannot and will not protect and shelter my children from every little thing in this world, and that they need to experience and discover the beautiful things along with the ugly things all on their own.
These are the times when I have to remind myself that these beautiful little beings do not belong to me. That it is my job to care for them and provide for them and to guide them in the right direction, but to let them trip and fall and get back up again without too much interference.
It's these moments of clarity that I realize that it's not the diapers and the middle-of-the-night feedings, the temper tantrums or the meal preparation and constant cleaning. It isn't even the tears shed while trying to convince my son (with Aspergers and SPD) that the water in the shower isn't going to hurt him, I promise. It isn't the doors slamming and siblings fighting and crying babies that cannot be consoled.
No, these aren't the things that make this "the hardest job in the world". Sure, these things contribute to the chaos and stress, but they aren't the things that we will remember, as we sit with our adult children around a dinner table at a warm gathering years and years from now...
What I hope that my children will know and remember is that they have two parents, whom they know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, love them endlessly and have done everything in their power to raise happy, self-aware, healthy children. Physically and emotionally. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what makes it the hardest job in the world... but it's what I will strive for, so long as I am breathing.
The hardest job in the world? Definitely.
Worth every sleepless night, every hair lost, every stress-induced wrinkle? Abso-fricken-lutely.
How do I know the right way to approach these touchy issues with sensitivity and love? How will I know the right answer to questions that I wish were never asked in the first place? How do I allow her to embrace her curiosity about life while keeping her innocence intact? Is this even a possibility?
There are always going to be new and incredibly difficult challenges to face as a parent, and as I learn every day, there will never be a time when parenting becomes easy. There are always going to be situations that I have ever encountered and I am never going to have all the answers. Even with the internet, (blessed, blessed internet) no amount of research is ever going to provide me with a solution that will be perfect for us.
These are the times when I have to just breathe, and let go. To throw caution into the wind and use my insticts as a mother. I need to tell that little voice in my heart that I cannot and will not protect and shelter my children from every little thing in this world, and that they need to experience and discover the beautiful things along with the ugly things all on their own.
These are the times when I have to remind myself that these beautiful little beings do not belong to me. That it is my job to care for them and provide for them and to guide them in the right direction, but to let them trip and fall and get back up again without too much interference.
It's these moments of clarity that I realize that it's not the diapers and the middle-of-the-night feedings, the temper tantrums or the meal preparation and constant cleaning. It isn't even the tears shed while trying to convince my son (with Aspergers and SPD) that the water in the shower isn't going to hurt him, I promise. It isn't the doors slamming and siblings fighting and crying babies that cannot be consoled.
No, these aren't the things that make this "the hardest job in the world". Sure, these things contribute to the chaos and stress, but they aren't the things that we will remember, as we sit with our adult children around a dinner table at a warm gathering years and years from now...
What I hope that my children will know and remember is that they have two parents, whom they know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, love them endlessly and have done everything in their power to raise happy, self-aware, healthy children. Physically and emotionally. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what makes it the hardest job in the world... but it's what I will strive for, so long as I am breathing.
The hardest job in the world? Definitely.
Worth every sleepless night, every hair lost, every stress-induced wrinkle? Abso-fricken-lutely.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The little things. {savor them}
Today, we took the kids bowling.
Kaleb hated it.
But regardless of his (mostly) bad attitude, I got to see my two older children get along beautifully for 2 hours. I watched my oldest child hold her brother's hand and gently show him how to throw that ball just right. I watched her as she put her hand on his back as they both watched the ball as it headed to the end of the lane. I watched her high-five him and cheer him on, even when the ball didn't hit anything and just kept going down the hole at the end.
"It's okay, Kaleb, next time. Practice makes Perfect!"
"You can do it buddy, throw it like this!"
I sat, silently, watching them together, it became clear that despite all the fighting and the sibling rivalry and the dirty looks and the playing at opposite ends of the house, when it comes right down to it, those two love each other fiercely and will always be there for each other.
And it's a beautiful thing.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Meatless Monday {The first of many}
Carnivores. I am, and my family are guilty as charged.
We try to eat healthy. We also try to buy & eat local as much as possible, shopping at the farmer's market for honey and vegetables, and grocery stores that carry Ontario-grown produce, growing beans, tomatoes, lettuce and snow peas in the summer.. shopping at our local butcher and buying milk and ice cream from our 100% canadian owned and operated dairy. We can also get organic, farm fresh eggs all year round from a beautiful family-run chicken farm that is located 5 minutes from our home.
For the most part, I could do without meat. I don't need it to feel full, and I know that I can find the proteins from other sources. While I do enjoy seafood like no other (born and raised by the ocean - hello!) I could go weeks and weeks without missing meat.
My husband, on the other hand, is a carnivore. Plain and simple. He feels, quite simply, that a meal isn't complete without some form of MEAT.
I try my very best to come up with creative, nutritious and filling meals that are meat-free on a regular basis (at least twice a week) to show him that no, we don't need meat to have a beautiful, rounded meal.. and that there are plenty of healthy and yummy alternatives.
Behold. Meatless Monday was born.
This will be my first post, and every week from now I will be trying my best to post a healthy, delicious and completely meat-free recipe for yourself and our family to enjoy. Don't worry- I'll be sure to guiney pig my husband and kids first. ;)
9 Bean SoupYou will need the following dried beans:
- Whole Green Peas
- Whole Green Lentils
- Split Red Lentils
- Pinto Beans
- White Beans
- Red Beans
- Light Red Kidney Beans
- Black Beans
- Back Eyed Beans
You can find these at your local bulk food store. Stock up!! Dried peas and beans are a must to have on-hand in your pantry.
Other Ingredients:
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Onion, chopped
3 Cloves of garlic, minced.
4 Stalks of celery, chopped
2 Cups of dried beans
5 Cups of vegetable stock
3 Cups of water
3 Cups of stewed tomatos (with juice)
S&P to taste
Soak beans in water for aprx 12 hours.
Saute onion, garlic and celery in olive oil for a few minutes until the onion is transluscent.
Add beans, stock and tomatos and cook over Med. heat until it comes to a simmer. Lower heat and continue to simmer for 1-2 hours. Add water & salt and pepper as needed, according to taste & preference.
We try to eat healthy. We also try to buy & eat local as much as possible, shopping at the farmer's market for honey and vegetables, and grocery stores that carry Ontario-grown produce, growing beans, tomatoes, lettuce and snow peas in the summer.. shopping at our local butcher and buying milk and ice cream from our 100% canadian owned and operated dairy. We can also get organic, farm fresh eggs all year round from a beautiful family-run chicken farm that is located 5 minutes from our home.
For the most part, I could do without meat. I don't need it to feel full, and I know that I can find the proteins from other sources. While I do enjoy seafood like no other (born and raised by the ocean - hello!) I could go weeks and weeks without missing meat.
My husband, on the other hand, is a carnivore. Plain and simple. He feels, quite simply, that a meal isn't complete without some form of MEAT.
I try my very best to come up with creative, nutritious and filling meals that are meat-free on a regular basis (at least twice a week) to show him that no, we don't need meat to have a beautiful, rounded meal.. and that there are plenty of healthy and yummy alternatives.
Behold. Meatless Monday was born.
This will be my first post, and every week from now I will be trying my best to post a healthy, delicious and completely meat-free recipe for yourself and our family to enjoy. Don't worry- I'll be sure to guiney pig my husband and kids first. ;)
9 Bean SoupYou will need the following dried beans:
- Whole Green Peas
- Whole Green Lentils
- Split Red Lentils
- Pinto Beans
- White Beans
- Red Beans
- Light Red Kidney Beans
- Black Beans
- Back Eyed Beans
You can find these at your local bulk food store. Stock up!! Dried peas and beans are a must to have on-hand in your pantry.
Other Ingredients:
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Onion, chopped
3 Cloves of garlic, minced.
4 Stalks of celery, chopped
2 Cups of dried beans
5 Cups of vegetable stock
3 Cups of water
3 Cups of stewed tomatos (with juice)
S&P to taste
Soak beans in water for aprx 12 hours.
Saute onion, garlic and celery in olive oil for a few minutes until the onion is transluscent.
Add beans, stock and tomatos and cook over Med. heat until it comes to a simmer. Lower heat and continue to simmer for 1-2 hours. Add water & salt and pepper as needed, according to taste & preference.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Twelve Months of Trenton (3)
Weight: aprx 13.5
Length: aprx 25 Inches
25-30th Percentile.
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, Size 2 diapers
-Makes a throaty "guuhhh" sound (kind of like Chewbacca)
-Smiles at everything.
-Holds thing that are placed in his hand.
-Learning to squeal.
-Is starting to grab at toys when placed in front of him.
-Initially sleeps a 5-6 hour stretch at night.
-Can awkwardly get his nummy into his mouth.
-Knows his name and turns/smiles when he hears it.
-Can roll from tummy to back
Favourite things:
-Boob juice
-Soother (Still addicted)
-Being naked
-Tummy Time
This month, Trent figured out (while sitting in his swing) how to kick off his blanket. Dada was sitting in front of him & kept placing it on his legs. Trenton would then smile, squeal, and promptly kick it back off. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
No laughs yet, but we can tell they're coming.

Length: aprx 25 Inches
25-30th Percentile.
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, Size 2 diapers
-Makes a throaty "guuhhh" sound (kind of like Chewbacca)
-Smiles at everything.
-Holds thing that are placed in his hand.
-Learning to squeal.
-Is starting to grab at toys when placed in front of him.
-Initially sleeps a 5-6 hour stretch at night.
-Can awkwardly get his nummy into his mouth.
-Knows his name and turns/smiles when he hears it.
-Can roll from tummy to back
Favourite things:
-Boob juice
-Soother (Still addicted)
-Being naked
-Tummy Time
This month, Trent figured out (while sitting in his swing) how to kick off his blanket. Dada was sitting in front of him & kept placing it on his legs. Trenton would then smile, squeal, and promptly kick it back off. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
No laughs yet, but we can tell they're coming.
13 weeks. {A milestone}
3 Month Ribbon - Rose Quartz |
Today marks three months that Mr. T has been exclusively nursing. We have definitely had our share of ups and downs over the past three months when it comes to breastfeeding, but I can tell that the worst is behind us and it only gets easier every day.
Month One |
Month Two |
Month Three |
I wouldn't give this up for anything in the world.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Finished. {The one where the Canadian girl complains about the snow}
Today is one of those days where I gaze out the window and make terrible noises at the snow and dream about spring. Where I look longingly at my (dead) garden (buried under two feet of snow), and imagine the beautiful flowers that are sleeping underneath.. how I remember the happiness I feel when I see the new little buds start pushing their way out of the bare soil when the ground starts to warm up.
This is one of those weeks where I want to barracade myself in the house with lots of hot beverages and warm blankets and just do nothing productive.
I cannot wait until the huge maple in our front yard starts sprouting leaves again, and I don't have to turn on every light in the house when i wake up in the morning. I can't wait to walk barefoot in the backyard and swim in the pool and pull weeds from in between my tomatoes and green beans. I can't wait to hear laughter and smell propane and enjoy friends and family under the sun. I'm so eager to sit on the front porch in the evenings, after the kids are in bed, with my husband and a cup of tea and just watch the world go by. I crave the sound of crickets at night. I want to drive my car with the windows down and feel the warm wind in my hair.
Sure, the snow is beautiful.. and yes, it's lots of fun (just yesterday, H commented that it was "like tons of play-doh outside that we can jump in and build things from!") but I am ready for it to go!!
Thank you, Ontario-Winter, you have made me love the warm, bright days even that much more. :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A "Dialect Vlog" {for your viewing pleasure}
Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught
-Sidenote- Why is it that i always look like such a ding dong in video screencaps?
- What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
- What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
- What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
- What do you call gym shoes?
- What do you say to address a group of people?
- What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped
body and extremely long legs? - What do you call your grandparents?
- What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
- What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
- What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
-Sidenote- Why is it that i always look like such a ding dong in video screencaps?
Wordless Wednesday {That Smile..}
{Well I'm not getting off to a very good start with my very first Wordless Wednesday post, as this is neither wordless, nor is it wednesday. Please forgive me, we were far too busy yesterday having the kids (and husband!!) home for the day because of all the snow. Better luck next week.}
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Happy February!
February is here, and it sounds as if it's coming in with a bang.
Tonight, the "Storm of 2011" is supposed to start, bringin with it frigid temperatures and lots and lots of snow.. upwards of 30 cms in some areas.
If things are extra cold and extra snowy, we'll be having a snow day on Wednesday. We will keep the kids at home and drink lots of hot chocolate.
Stay warm, friends.
Tonight, the "Storm of 2011" is supposed to start, bringin with it frigid temperatures and lots and lots of snow.. upwards of 30 cms in some areas.
If things are extra cold and extra snowy, we'll be having a snow day on Wednesday. We will keep the kids at home and drink lots of hot chocolate.
Stay warm, friends.
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& some of the past
- Keeping things simple. {Only trying to, at least}
- Overthinking {& the job that never ends}
- Wordless Wednesday {sleepy winter walks}
- The little things. {savor them}
- Wordless Wednesday {The calmest room in the house}
- Meatless Monday {The first of many}
- Hello Lovers! {Happy Valentine's Day}
- Twelve Months of Trenton (3)
- 13 weeks. {A milestone}
- Wordless Wednesday {lifeblood}
- Finished. {The one where the Canadian girl complai...
- A "Dialect Vlog" {for your viewing pleasure}
- Wordless Wednesday {That Smile..}
- Happy February!