Saturday, February 19, 2011

The little things. {savor them}

Today, we took the kids bowling.
Kaleb hated it.

But regardless of his (mostly) bad attitude, I got to see my two older children get along beautifully for 2 hours. I watched my oldest child hold her brother's hand and gently show him how to throw that ball just right. I watched her as she put her hand on his back as they both watched the ball as it headed to the end of the lane. I watched her high-five him and cheer him on, even when the ball didn't hit anything and just kept going down the hole at the end.

"It's okay, Kaleb, next time. Practice makes Perfect!"
"You can do it buddy, throw it like this!"

I sat, silently, watching them together, it became clear that despite all the fighting and the sibling rivalry and the dirty looks and the playing at opposite ends of the house, when it comes right down to it, those two love each other fiercely and will always be there for each other.

And it's a beautiful thing.


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