I digress.
Trenton, you are eight months old. This month you have learned and discovered so many new things, it has made time fly by even faster, if that's even possible at this point.
You are crawling. You're like a little machine! You figured out one day, while on your tummy, that if you smack your hands down and then use them to drag your body, it takes you places! It didn't take long for you to figure out that you could go faster and faster. every day when Dada gets home from work, you drag your little body across the floor to greet him.
Speaking of dada, you can say "Dada!" although, most often you're talking to my boobs when you want milk. I guess we'll have to work on that one. You can also say, "Mama!" but again, out of context. It's okay though, I don't mind. I also hear the "Ba" sound from time to time, mostly when you're talking to you toys. sometimes you will put all your sounds together and it sounds like this:
"Ahh-dabahbahmmmama!" I can tell that you are very serious when you say this.
You smile and laugh ALWAYS. Funny tht I say that because in this particulr month's photo you were absolutely not interested in having your picture taken, would not smile, and would not have any part in it unless you soother was in your mouth. I probably should have waited until after nap time.
Speking of sleeping, you're pretty good at it. You will usually hve 2 naps throughout the day and are out for the count by 8ish-pm. You still wake up 1-2 times per night for milk, and I still get sympathetic looks from people, telling me that I need to remedy that situation for some reason. Baby, let's make something clear.. you can need me at night for as long as you want. I don't mind one little bit.
This month, you have almost mastered sitting up unassisted. You can do it for a few minutes before you start to lean, and sometimes you're too distracted to put out your hand to catch yourself.
OH. And on Saturday, you know, the day before you turned 8 months, you decided to STAND in your crib. I came in to get you from your nap and there you were, standing, and crying. Down the crib mattress went.
This month, you grew 4 more teeth, you porr little soul. You now have both bottom, both top and one and a half eye teeth. So far we haven't had any biting incidents. Let's keep it that way, deal?
Weight/Length: 16.7lb, 28in.
Size: Finally a size 3 diaper, 3month onesies, 3-6 & 6 sleepers.
Favourites: You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and your Jolly Jumper. Also, I don't hear a peep from you if you're outside. You're not too sure about the pool.
Foods: You eat everything. You love sweet potatos and fruit. Especially watermelon and banana. Watching you eat peas is really funny because you chase them all over the place, and you don't quite have the pincer grasp down yet, so like I said, funny.
Oh, and you're beautiful.
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