Friday, June 10, 2011

Twelve Months of Trenton {Seven}

Seven months old.

No matter what I do, you won't stop growing. You grow and you grow and you grow and it's so bittersweet. I love seeing you learn and thrive and discover the world around you, but I want to keep you small and in my arms forever.

You're much more attached to me than your siblings were. Sure, they were snuggly and Mama-suckers in their own right, but you.. Oh, you... You *love* your Mama.. you make me feel so, so needed.. as if you know, somehow that you are the last baby and are telling me in your own way that, "Yes.. Mama.. I need you, and I always will."

With each passing month I feel your first birthday inching closer and closer. Summers fly by, love. They always do, and once summer is gone.. you'll be one. The thought just tears a hold right through my heart in a way that I couldn't ever even try to articulate.

You are amazing.

You are inches away from crawling and leaving me behind in the dust. You rock slowly, with uncertainty. That's new, this month. You can get up on your hands and your toes, but then you get stuck and upset. You can turn in a complete circle when you're on your belly. You love your bathtime and I never hear a peep from you when we are out for our daily walks. You love being worn in the sling but sometimes you like being in the stroller so you can be free to look around. You're eating and reaching for everything around you. You don't like it when I am out of your line of sight.. especially when there are new faces in the room. You are almost sitting unassisted, well you are, but you don't know yet to put out your hand to catch yourself when you start to lean. You still wake up at least twice a night to nurse but I don't mind one tiny little bit.

Weight/Length: You are almost 27 inches long and weigh 15lb, 8oz.
Size: You wear a size 2 diapers and are still in 3-6 month clothing. You wear 3 month onesies. You tiny thing. You're almost in a size 3 shoe!

You're beautiful, Baby.. & I love you so, so, so much.


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