Friday, September 30, 2011
30 Day Challenge {Day One}
Exactly zero effort was put into today's picture, due to me being a sinus-infected, exhausted excuse for a human being who just finished putting away 5 loads of laundry.
From Tree to Table {Hello, Autumn}
*Please excuse the horrible quality of the photos in these posts. They were all taken with the iPhone since I am apparantly too scatter-brained to fix the battery situation in my camera.
Autumn is by far my favourite season. Perfect hoodie & jeans weather, cool breezes, beautiful coulours, the crunch of leaves, the smells. Perfection.
Fall is our house means lots of baked good and the smell of cinnamon.. the kids (and husband!) have come to expect the annual trip to the orchard, picking out pumpkins and hot apple cider.
Even our wedding had notes of our family traditions, we were married in October and a few weeks prior, away we went to the orchard, lovingly picked each apple, and then slow-cooked and canned apple butter to give our guests as favors.
This year, we came home with 2 little pumpkins, some cider and 4 bags of apples. Some for eating, some for baking.
Autumn is by far my favourite season. Perfect hoodie & jeans weather, cool breezes, beautiful coulours, the crunch of leaves, the smells. Perfection.
Fall is our house means lots of baked good and the smell of cinnamon.. the kids (and husband!) have come to expect the annual trip to the orchard, picking out pumpkins and hot apple cider.
Even our wedding had notes of our family traditions, we were married in October and a few weeks prior, away we went to the orchard, lovingly picked each apple, and then slow-cooked and canned apple butter to give our guests as favors.
This year, we came home with 2 little pumpkins, some cider and 4 bags of apples. Some for eating, some for baking.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Please do excuse my recent lack of presence here.. I promise things are okay, just very, very busy.
I just finished my first week back at work after more than 3 years at home. The decision was not sudden, as it may seem to have been.. but was just the opposite in fact.
I've known that I wasn't going to be staying home much longer for about 2 years. I decided that once both older kids started school full-time, I'd start the transition.
The decision to stay home was not made lightly, either.. it was a combination of buying a house out of town, having a child at home, and Kaleb's diagnosis that made my mind up for me.
I'm only back part-time, for now.. I need to be at home with Trenton a few days a week. He has been watched by a friend this week, and starts at daycare on Wednesday, which is something I am so happy about. I was really nervous while doing the interview process at a few dayhomes, and I failed to find a connection that made the prospect of returning to work seem worthwhile. I decided to interview the public daycare center here (which size is relative to the size of our town) and I breathed a sigh of relief. T seemed at home the moment we set him on the floor of the infant room.
The peace of mind I will feel at work, knowing that my baby is happy and well taken care of is worth everything in the world.
So that's what's been happening as of late.
I'm settling in at work, doing advertising and PR for a local real estate company. It's pretty cushy as far as I'm concerned.. I have great hours, I'm able to get the kids off to school in the morning and I'm home for dinner. I have a great boss with 4 children and the ability to see my need for flexibility.
It's perfect fit, and life is good.
I just finished my first week back at work after more than 3 years at home. The decision was not sudden, as it may seem to have been.. but was just the opposite in fact.
I've known that I wasn't going to be staying home much longer for about 2 years. I decided that once both older kids started school full-time, I'd start the transition.
The decision to stay home was not made lightly, either.. it was a combination of buying a house out of town, having a child at home, and Kaleb's diagnosis that made my mind up for me.
I'm only back part-time, for now.. I need to be at home with Trenton a few days a week. He has been watched by a friend this week, and starts at daycare on Wednesday, which is something I am so happy about. I was really nervous while doing the interview process at a few dayhomes, and I failed to find a connection that made the prospect of returning to work seem worthwhile. I decided to interview the public daycare center here (which size is relative to the size of our town) and I breathed a sigh of relief. T seemed at home the moment we set him on the floor of the infant room.
The peace of mind I will feel at work, knowing that my baby is happy and well taken care of is worth everything in the world.
So that's what's been happening as of late.
I'm settling in at work, doing advertising and PR for a local real estate company. It's pretty cushy as far as I'm concerned.. I have great hours, I'm able to get the kids off to school in the morning and I'm home for dinner. I have a great boss with 4 children and the ability to see my need for flexibility.
It's perfect fit, and life is good.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Recipe Time! {Italian Wedding Soup}
There are lots and lots of versions of Italian Wedding Soup, all of which my husband and I are quite fond of. This is my version.
Here's what you'll need:
1Lb of Ground Turkey
1/4 C of Breadcrumbs
1 Egg
5C of Stock (I used chicken, vegetable would be just as good, wouldn't recommend beef)
1 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Small Onion, Chopped.
1.5 C of Acini Di Pepe Pasta (You could also use Orzo, or any small pasta)
Lots and Lots of Spinach
Saute onions in the olive oil in a large soup pot (Did I mention this is a one-pot recipe? Even better!) on low heat. Meanwhile, combine turkey, breadcrumbs and egg. Form into small balls, add to onion and cook until evenly browned.
Add the stock and pasta, cook over medium heat for 7-10 minutes or until pasta is cooked.
Add spinach. If you're using fresh, you'll need alot.. I fill the pot to the very top, and then replace the lid and simmer for another 5-7 minutes, or until the spinach has wilted, and there is just the right amount, so I'd say to go by your tastes.
Add pepper to taste, enjoy!

Here's what you'll need:
1Lb of Ground Turkey
1/4 C of Breadcrumbs
1 Egg
5C of Stock (I used chicken, vegetable would be just as good, wouldn't recommend beef)
1 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Small Onion, Chopped.
1.5 C of Acini Di Pepe Pasta (You could also use Orzo, or any small pasta)
Lots and Lots of Spinach
Saute onions in the olive oil in a large soup pot (Did I mention this is a one-pot recipe? Even better!) on low heat. Meanwhile, combine turkey, breadcrumbs and egg. Form into small balls, add to onion and cook until evenly browned.
Add the stock and pasta, cook over medium heat for 7-10 minutes or until pasta is cooked.
Add spinach. If you're using fresh, you'll need alot.. I fill the pot to the very top, and then replace the lid and simmer for another 5-7 minutes, or until the spinach has wilted, and there is just the right amount, so I'd say to go by your tastes.
Add pepper to taste, enjoy!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Something To Look Forward To {30 Day Photo Challenge}
I've decided to try and complete the "Thirty day Photo Challenge" that I've seen floating around lately.
My goal is to start is a few days, and be finished by the end of October.
That's not to say that I think my photos are anything special, but I find great enjoyment in it.
Wish me luck!
30 Day Photo Challenge
Day One: Self Portrait
Day Two: What you wore today
Day Three: Clouds
Day Four: Something Green
Day Five: From a high angle
Day Six: From a low angle
Day Seven: Fruit
Day Eight: A bad habit
Day Nine: Someone you love
Day Ten: Childhood memory
Day Eleven: Something blue
Day Twelve: Sunset
Day Thirteen: Yourself with 13 things
Day Fourteen: Eyes
Day Fifteen: Silhouette
Day Sixteen: Long Exposure
Day Seventeen: Technology
Day Eighteen: Your shoes
Day Nineteen: Something orange
Day Twenty: Bokeh
Day Twenty-One: Faceless Self-portrait
Day Twenty-Two: Hands
Day Twenty-Three: Sunflare
Day Twenty-Four: Animal
Day Twenty-Five: Something Pink
Day Twenty-Six: Close-Up
Day Twenty-Seven: From a Distance
Day Twenty-Eight: Flowers
Day Twenty-Nine: Black and White
Day Thirty: Self Portrait
My goal is to start is a few days, and be finished by the end of October.
That's not to say that I think my photos are anything special, but I find great enjoyment in it.
Wish me luck!
30 Day Photo Challenge
Day One: Self Portrait
Day Two: What you wore today
Day Three: Clouds
Day Four: Something Green
Day Five: From a high angle
Day Six: From a low angle
Day Seven: Fruit
Day Eight: A bad habit
Day Nine: Someone you love
Day Ten: Childhood memory
Day Eleven: Something blue
Day Twelve: Sunset
Day Thirteen: Yourself with 13 things
Day Fourteen: Eyes
Day Fifteen: Silhouette
Day Sixteen: Long Exposure
Day Seventeen: Technology
Day Eighteen: Your shoes
Day Nineteen: Something orange
Day Twenty: Bokeh
Day Twenty-One: Faceless Self-portrait
Day Twenty-Two: Hands
Day Twenty-Three: Sunflare
Day Twenty-Four: Animal
Day Twenty-Five: Something Pink
Day Twenty-Six: Close-Up
Day Twenty-Seven: From a Distance
Day Twenty-Eight: Flowers
Day Twenty-Nine: Black and White
Day Thirty: Self Portrait
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Twelve Months Of Trenton {Ten}
Baby boy, you are ten months old.
Something about ten months sounds less like infant and more like toddler.. maybe it's the double digits.
Speaking of toddler, you are close to toddling. You take larger and larger strides (while holding furniture and legs and anything else you can grasp) and are gaining balance and confidence with every shaky but strong step your little legs take.
You crawl like the wind, and have recently discovered that it's much easier on your little old man knees if you crawl on your feet, something your dad and I liken to looking like a komodo dragon.. especially when you think we aren't looking and the stairs are unguarded.. you are fast, but we are still faster.
You have no fear. If it weren't for us, you'd crawl right off the edge of the bed or the top of the stairs.. we should really work on teaching you how to go backwards, or it isn't going to end well.
You have more and more words and sounds all the time. You babble all the time, but never on command... we ask you to say "Mama" and you grin and stay silent. Obviously, you are nobody's puppet.
You make this growling sound when the food doesn't come fast enough, it's pretty much the funniest thing ever. You have a crazy funny personality that is much like your big brother.
One time, this past month, Hailey gave you a piece of romaine lettuce while I was making salad. You put it in your mouth and made a face like we were trying to feed you Anthrax.. you threw the lettuce down on your tray and slapped it repeatedly, as to make sure the lettuce would never try to reach your lips again.. OH the horror!!!
You're still an itty bitty thing, you are in size 3 diapers and have barely gained 7 pounds. I guess you decided to gain it all inside me, as to end my child bearing days with a bang.
I don't mind.. as long as you are healthy you can stay little forever as far as I'm concerned, but I know that won't be the case. One day, you'll be bigger and taller and stronger than your mama, and while those days come quicker and quicker, trust me when I say this;
" long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

Something about ten months sounds less like infant and more like toddler.. maybe it's the double digits.
Speaking of toddler, you are close to toddling. You take larger and larger strides (while holding furniture and legs and anything else you can grasp) and are gaining balance and confidence with every shaky but strong step your little legs take.
You crawl like the wind, and have recently discovered that it's much easier on your little old man knees if you crawl on your feet, something your dad and I liken to looking like a komodo dragon.. especially when you think we aren't looking and the stairs are unguarded.. you are fast, but we are still faster.
You have no fear. If it weren't for us, you'd crawl right off the edge of the bed or the top of the stairs.. we should really work on teaching you how to go backwards, or it isn't going to end well.
You have more and more words and sounds all the time. You babble all the time, but never on command... we ask you to say "Mama" and you grin and stay silent. Obviously, you are nobody's puppet.
You make this growling sound when the food doesn't come fast enough, it's pretty much the funniest thing ever. You have a crazy funny personality that is much like your big brother.
One time, this past month, Hailey gave you a piece of romaine lettuce while I was making salad. You put it in your mouth and made a face like we were trying to feed you Anthrax.. you threw the lettuce down on your tray and slapped it repeatedly, as to make sure the lettuce would never try to reach your lips again.. OH the horror!!!
You're still an itty bitty thing, you are in size 3 diapers and have barely gained 7 pounds. I guess you decided to gain it all inside me, as to end my child bearing days with a bang.
I don't mind.. as long as you are healthy you can stay little forever as far as I'm concerned, but I know that won't be the case. One day, you'll be bigger and taller and stronger than your mama, and while those days come quicker and quicker, trust me when I say this;
" long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
Thursday, September 8, 2011
To My Son {the 6 year old}
Today you turned 6. We had a great day. You requested "Spaghetti and Meatballs" for dinner and I made a cheesecake with raspberries for dessert. It turned out a little wonky because I couldn't get it out of the pan but you didn't complain.
You woke up with a smile, despite it being your 3rd day of school in a row. As usual, you start the day with a little unintended humour:
"Why do I have to go to school on my birthday? Can't I just take the day off?"
That's you. You make us laugh all.the.time. You are so funny and you don't even realize it. But boy, do you love seeing us laugh.
This year has had it's ups and downs and I hope you know how proud we are of you. You went through therapy like a champ and you've improved so much, because you've worked so hard. Even when you really, really didn't feel like it.. you'd look over at me, and then you'd finish.
Just for me.
This is a big year, you started Grade One, meaning that you now go to school every day, just like your big sister. I know it makes you feel big. And you are..
Sometimes when I go in your room before I go to bed, just to check on you and pull your blanket from around your neck.. (where it always seems to end up.) I stand back in awe and I just stare. Sometimes I even call Daddy in.
ROB. He is SO BIG. He looks like a teenager in his bed.
As bittersweet as it all is, we love you, and we love watching you grow and learn. We are incredibly blessed to have such an amazing son in our lives. I love you, Monkey.
Happy Birthday.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The First Day
Today was the first day of school for the big kids.
How proud am I of my little first and third graders? I couldn't even begin to tell you.
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