Saturday, September 24, 2011


Please do excuse my recent lack of presence here.. I promise things are okay, just very, very busy.

I just finished my first week back at work after more than 3 years at home. The decision was not sudden, as it may seem to have been.. but was just the opposite in fact.

I've known that I wasn't going to be staying home much longer for about 2 years. I decided that once both older kids started school full-time, I'd start the transition.
The decision to stay home was not made lightly, either.. it was a combination of buying a house out of town, having a child at home, and Kaleb's diagnosis that made my mind up for me.

I'm only back part-time, for now.. I need to be at home with Trenton a few days a week. He has been watched by a friend this week, and starts at daycare on Wednesday, which is something I am so happy about. I was really nervous while doing the interview process at a few dayhomes, and I failed to find a connection that made the prospect of returning to work seem worthwhile. I decided to interview the public daycare center here (which size is relative to the size of our town) and I breathed a sigh of relief. T seemed at home the moment we set him on the floor of the infant room.
The peace of mind I will feel at work, knowing that my baby is happy and well taken care of is worth everything in the world.

So that's what's been happening as of late.

I'm settling in at work, doing advertising and PR for a local real estate company. It's pretty cushy as far as I'm concerned.. I have great hours, I'm able to get the kids off to school in the morning and I'm home for dinner. I have a great boss with 4 children and the ability to see my need for flexibility.

It's perfect fit, and life is good.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job! How do you like it so far? It sounds like it's a good fit for your life right now. Are you settling in to being a working mom ok? It can be hard work but I know you can do it :)

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