Something about ten months sounds less like infant and more like toddler.. maybe it's the double digits.
Speaking of toddler, you are close to toddling. You take larger and larger strides (while holding furniture and legs and anything else you can grasp) and are gaining balance and confidence with every shaky but strong step your little legs take.
You crawl like the wind, and have recently discovered that it's much easier on your little old man knees if you crawl on your feet, something your dad and I liken to looking like a komodo dragon.. especially when you think we aren't looking and the stairs are unguarded.. you are fast, but we are still faster.
You have no fear. If it weren't for us, you'd crawl right off the edge of the bed or the top of the stairs.. we should really work on teaching you how to go backwards, or it isn't going to end well.
You have more and more words and sounds all the time. You babble all the time, but never on command... we ask you to say "Mama" and you grin and stay silent. Obviously, you are nobody's puppet.
You make this growling sound when the food doesn't come fast enough, it's pretty much the funniest thing ever. You have a crazy funny personality that is much like your big brother.
One time, this past month, Hailey gave you a piece of romaine lettuce while I was making salad. You put it in your mouth and made a face like we were trying to feed you Anthrax.. you threw the lettuce down on your tray and slapped it repeatedly, as to make sure the lettuce would never try to reach your lips again.. OH the horror!!!
You're still an itty bitty thing, you are in size 3 diapers and have barely gained 7 pounds. I guess you decided to gain it all inside me, as to end my child bearing days with a bang.
I don't mind.. as long as you are healthy you can stay little forever as far as I'm concerned, but I know that won't be the case. One day, you'll be bigger and taller and stronger than your mama, and while those days come quicker and quicker, trust me when I say this;
" long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
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