Saturday, October 15, 2011

Twelve Months of Trenton {Eleven}

I am seriously, unforgivably, inexcusably late in writing this update. I only have one more of these to go.. can you believe it? It's a blessing in disguise though, because I don't think we'd be able to continue even if I wanted to.. it has become next to impossible to take a decent picture of you, you are
You wiggle and laugh and roll and turn and shoot me this look that says, "Lay still? Mama, you cannot be serious." You don't even look like yourself in these shots!
As hard as it is to take your picture these last few months, I'm so, so happy that we did this little project together.. seeing the changes, watching you grow before my eyes, writing all about your personality and milestones.. it's been a challenge, but one that I can enjoy for the rest of my life.

This month, at the very, very end, you took your first steps. It wasn't even so much that you took the steps that was so emotional, it was how.
Oma and Opa came over for a visit on this day.. but it wasn't the good kind. Oma sat me down on the couch and explained that they wouldn't be joining us for Thanksgiving dinner, as planned.. that she was having surgery on the friday before, and that it was because they were removing a lump from her breast. She was telling me that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
With the blink of an eye our light and airy visit turned heavy, as I harboured and processed the news that the only family we have here is sick. I watched the woman whom I consider to be one of the strongest, break down right there in my living room, telling me that giving me this news is the hardest thing she's ever done.
Soon after, Daddy, Hailey, Kaleb and Opa joined us in the living room, and we went on pretending all was well.. for you and your siblings, of course...
I sat on the floor with you.You stood, using my legs as support, and just like that, took 5 whole steps to Oma. 5 steps that meant the world to us at that moment.

You haven't stopped since. You were cautious at first, as soon as you'd realize there was nobody holding onto you, you'd drop down on your bum. Now, you can stand up, unsupported from sitting, and take brave steps all the time.
You're walking into your second year on this earth, without fear.. because you know that Mama and Daddy and right there behind you, and always will be.

Happy 11 months, baby boy. Thank you for being you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge {Day 5}

Day 5- From a high angle

Monday, October 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge {Day 3&4}

I'm doing this as 2 parts for a reason. Day 3 is supposed to be a picture of clouds. Simple enough, however.. all we have is clouds. No contrasting blue sky, just grey, dreary, overcast, rainy skies. I thought it would have cleared up, giving me an opportunity to get a nicer picture, but no such luck.


Day 3- Clouds.

Day 4- Something green.
Baby T's favourite, snuggly blanket. Hand-crocheted with love by a friend.

Babyhood {& how it's coming to a close}


The baby is walking.

Stumbly still, and only when he doesn't realize that nobody has ahold of him (when he does realize, he promptly sits down)but there have been enough steps in a row for me to say, without hesitation, that he is walking.

Funny how something that makes me well up with sadness and nostalgia can, at the exact same moment, make me well up with immense joy and pride.

My baby. Walking.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 Day Challenge {Day Two}

Day Two- What you wore today.

Here we go again with the bad quality cell-phone pictures.. I'm not getting off to a very good start here. Perhaps I should have started when the battery situation for the real camera was worked out? Oh well. It is what it is. Maybe next week. =)

I am not one to fuss over my body, or what goes on my body. Never have, probably never will.
While I do feel nice every so often when I have a reason to dress up, those are few and far between.
I'm happy when the clothes I'm wearing are comfortable and fit properly. Being a very (very!) short person.. ( 5,1 with shoes ) paired with having a curvy shape and being heavy chested, finding those clothes can be a challenge. Pants are either too long or the waist doesn't fit properly, or shirts are too short, or too long and too tight, or all of the above.
Like I said, comfy with a good fit... also easy access for breastfeeding, which usually means layers.
 That's what this girl likes. No muss, no fuss.

Today, is Saturday. Housework day. I'm wearing jeans, a white tank top & green tshirt, with a black sweater overtop (Hello 9C weather today!! brrr...)

Now that that's over with, can we talk about something interesting? ;)
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