My daughter sits not 10 feet away and I just sit there, watching, observing.
She sits quietly, doing the same to her little brother, watching, observing. She patiently and gently shows him how to open a piece on his lego castle, then goes back to observing his every move. She silently rolls her eyes at his opposite nature, at his noise.
& there we sit, her watching him, me watching her. She sits with her hands in her lap and her legs curled underneath me, in the same way that I sit. I can almost hear the music that I know is playing in her head.
I can see the future when I look at her. She has grown into herself.. her round baby features gone as fast as they were there.
Oh, the feelings that you make me feel...
She made me feel everything for the first time, and always will. The feeling when she outgrew her first sleeper, when she stopped grasping my finger tightly in her fist, when she spoke, when she took her first steps away from me, when she lost her first tooth..
These days, the days past get harder and harder to remember, as my daughter metamorphosizes right in front of my eyes. It feels like I am mother to a little me.
She is sensitive, she is kind. She is always, always daydreaming. She is happy and smart and stunning. She is maternal and gentle.
I love that you are going to be a big sister again, I couldnt ask for a better big sister for your siblings.
But you, my dear, are my original baby. Always have been, always will be.
I am so in love with you.
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