Once downstairs I go into the girl-child's room to make sure that she is up and at 'em. She is. Dressed, fed, and sitting in her already-made bed, reading a book. I leave her to it and help Kaleb with his breakfast. We give Daddy kisses goodbye as he heads out the door to work.
8:25am, the kids are dressed in their outside gear and on their way to school. Bye kiddos! Have a good day!
I watch the kids walk as long as I can. T and I stand in the doorway and wave, "Bye-Bye!". We then plop down at the island. He sits in my lap happily munching on a toy while I eat my breakfast (lemon-poppy seed muffin, tangerine wedges and a coffee) and check my emails. We then head upstairs to make the beds.
It's now just after 9am. Trenton has his breakfast (milkies!!) and falls asleep while nursing. I put him down gently in his swing. SUCCESS! He stays asleep. I make the rounds. First the living room, then the kitchen. I wash the dishes from breakfast, then quietly sneak upstairs and get myself dressed. I get him some clothes and things from his room and sneak back down.
I pack up the essentials into the diaper bag and gently wake up the baby. Luckily he is in a good mood. I top him off with a quick nurse and then buckle him into his seat. Check the temperature.. it's gone up 6 degrees since I woke up this morning.. good sign! Off we go. :)
I make the 10 minute drive north to my friend's house. We had plans to go to a "Mommy-and-me" fitness program at the YMCA but unfortunately she doesn't have a membership and they got all weird about it so we made plans to go for a walk with the babies at the local zoo. We arrive in town. I drop my nephew's birthday package off to Rob to be shipped to Alberta and it starts to rain a bit. We decide to go for lunch at a local favourite, and then head back home.
2pm, at home. Nurse baby. He is pretty grouchy so we take a shower together. We get into comfy clothes. He lets me put him in his saucer and happily plays while I do a little spring cleaning.. today I clean the inside of the kitchen cupboards and clean the winter out of the mudroom.
3:30pm, kids arrive home and play outside, they each have a friend over. I put T down for some unwanted tummy time. Poor guy, up he gets for some cuddles. I put him in the sling instead and start dinner.
After dinner, the kids get showered. I braid Hailey's hair, then we all relax for a little while. Another nurse before bed for Mr T, then it's bedtime stories, tuck-ins, a hot beverage for Momma and cuddling with Dad on the couch watching The Big Bang Theory.
Rob and I retreat upstairs to bed and watch the news like old people.
Goodnight world.
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