Length: aprx 26 Inches
10-20th Percentile for weight, 90th Percentile for height
Size: 0-3M onesies & pants & 3M hoodies & sleepers, some 3-6M sleepers Size 2 diapers
He is such a small guy.. considering his weight at birth.
-Has 2 bottom teeth!
-Can put things from point A to mouth.
-Squeals like a banshee
-Sleeps from 8pm-7ish am, waking once or twice
-Is starting to reach for people.
-Can roll from tummy to back & back to tummy.
-Eats feet.
Favourite things:
-His crinkly yellow dog
-His big fleece blanket. He wants it touching his face if he is going to sleep
-Books. He LOVES being read to.
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