It's been a quiet couple of days over here.
The littlest one had quite the fever over the weekend.. (we still aren't sure if he is getting sick, or just getting a few more teeth.. only time will tell.) so we've spent the past few days just trying to get back into our niche after several hours of sleep lost.
The weekend was spent playing catch-up with the laundry and doing a small bit of work around the house, but overall, it was far less productive than we would have liked.
Oh well, C'est la vie! There's always next weekend.. and the one after that..
Summer is so close I can nearly taste it. It was 21C here yesterday and we were outside in tshirts and life was good. There's one great thing about living in a mostly cold place, is that you appreciate the warm days just that much more.
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& some of the past
- Wordless Wednesday {Big Sister}
- Meatless Monday: Cold Chickpea Salad
- A very happy Easter to you & yours {from me & mine}
- Wordless Wednesday {Downtime}
- It's been a quiet couple of days over here. The l...
- Meatless Monday: Carrot soup with orange and ginger
- Twelve Months of Trenton (5)
- DITL {just another day in the life}
- Another recipe! {Sweet Treats}
- Wordless Wednesday {Baby Steps}
- Meatless Monday: Vegetable Chili & Cornbread
- Video Post {The incredible morphing belly}
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