Friday, August 12, 2011

100 posts. {A little bit of everything}

This post marks 100 at my little corner of the WWW.. while I certainly made it past 100 at my old space, this new place is much more in a much different way. A place where I can share my stories, if with nobody but myself.. a place where I can write the way I want to write and keep a log of memories.

I'm proud to have reached 100, keeping a blog isn't as easy as it might sound, and there have most certainly been days where I've thought I might not make it. I think keeping a casual mindset regarding what I want this to be helps immensely.. keeps the pressure down to a bare minimum.

This week has been an emotional roller coaster, and I have much to share and update about. My mother and father-in-law made the long trip out to see us (and meet little T!) for the first time in almost two years and as always, time flew by before we could do anything about it.. we tried to enjoy each day as it came and make the most of our short time together, but the visit was short.. much shorter than we would have liked. We miss them. Everyday.

Last weekend we drove a few hours east to celebrate with Rob's family as his cousin married her longtime boyfriend. We had a great time and I think it may have been one of the best weddings I've had the pleasure of attending.. Rob's cousin and aunt pay great attention to detail and every little thing was just beautiful. I hope that the bride and groom had a wonderful time and are very happy together for the rest of their lives.

Little T turned 9 months old on Wednesday (Yes, I have an update coming!) Holy cow. 9 months. It is just unbelievable to me. 9 months...

Well, I suppose that's all and why shouldn't it be? It's alot if you ask me.. to cram into 2 short weeks of whirlwind wonderfulness.
100 posts later and I still have lots to say. Here's to the next 100.



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