Monday, August 29, 2011


Baby T has been saying "Mama" (with purpose) for about a month now, but I have yet to capture it on video.
But a few days ago, after just a little persuasion, my charming little babe finally allowed me to film that special little word. And as soon as it began, it ended.

No more camera, Mama!
And without further delay, here is little Mr. T, uttering the best little word, ever.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Sound of Silence.

You can feel it in the air.
Summer is slowly drifting away.. the hot, sticky nights slowly becoming cooler, slowly becoming darker.
The breathing, in & out, in & out of sleeping babies and sleeping children next to the white noise of the fans in being replaced with the ruffling of bedcovers by children clad in pajamas instead of their bare, clammy, skin against cold sheets.

Soon the sound of lawnmowers will be replaced with the scratch, scratch, scratch of rakes on lawns as the confetti from the trees is bagged and thrown away, the last remnants of life from the trees.. as they go quiet until next time.
After that, will be the scraping of snow shovels and the crunching of snow beneath your feet.

Soon it will be school lunches and hot chocolate instead of sandwiches on the picnic table and ice cream treats. It will be layers and zippers and "I have to pee" once you're all bundled up.. instead of cartwheels in a bathing suit on the front lawn.

Soon the nights will get longer and the days will get shorter, and we'll find ourselves wondering where the time has gone, once again.

Winter isn't found amongst my favourite of seasons, it's true, but there is so much to look forward to. So until then, we will keep changing with the seasons, keep trudging through this life, optimistic as to what is around the next bend.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

And then there were 5 {Keep your chin up}

Rob's parents left almost a week ago to go back to Alberta.. I cannot even articulate how much I miss them.
I don't know if it's the fact that it's been nearly two years since we saw them last.. or maybe it's the way the kids are so in love with them.. maybe it's because I am so happy to have them near, or maybe it's because we are so lonely.

I don't know why it felt empty when they left, but Rob and I have been keeping ourselves so busy.. trying not to think too much about the cloud hanging over our heads.
Making sudden decisions to paint the kitchen and doing it in one day.. rearranging the living room to suppress that growing feeling of wanting to pack up everything and follow them to the end of the world, Rob up the the roof, finally re-shingling the mudroom..

Am I sounding just a little dramatic yet?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.. all we have is each other.. just the 5 of us from day to day. We rely on each other for everything and our little family unit is strong and soldiers on, and we do it ourselves and we do it together. We have love and we have happiness, but there is loneliness there too... a yearning to have family close by, to have a mother who stops for coffees and accompanies my daughter and I for a pedicure and some girl-time.. to have a father to help with my husband with his little projects around the house and to pick on the kids and to barbeque for us on the weekends.

Little things.. little things you take for granted.

I don't regret our move back to Ontario.. we gave another province a try and it just wasn't for us and it's nobody's fault.I just wish life was easy.

I just miss the little things.. so, so much.

Home Sweet Home {Part 4 - Living Room}

Welcome to Part 4 of 8 of our little home tour. You can find Part 1 - Kitchen; here. Part 2 - Dining Room; here and Part 3 - Playroom; here.

Here is our little living room. Directly off both the dining room and kitchen, it isn't used much during the day, but at night it's where the boy and I put our feet up at the end of the day and spend our quiet nights together, chatting quietly, catching up on our favourite shows and unwinding.
As far as renovations go, we didn't do much in this room. We painted the walls before we moved in so we'd have a room that felt like ours while everything else was happening in the house. (I strongly reccommend doing this to any prospective renovaters.. You need a space to relax and get away from the mess of the house if you're going to be living in chaos!!) We replaced the trim & baseboards along the way and added new light fixtures, but that's pretty much it. Later this year we'll be replacing the 7 foot window with something that actually keeps the weather out and once the littlest one has grown a bit, it will be time for some new furniture.
Speaking of the littlest one, he takes up quite a bit of the living room right now, sure, there is a playroom.. but we like him being a little closer what with being a baby and all. :) I'm not sure why we felt the need to make a playspace for him though, since all he really does is stand and cruise along the furniture and make mad dashes for the stairs - which are finally gated... and the coffee table has been removed for the time being.
So, the living room is a mish mash of furniture and pieces and things that we've collected along the way. It's comfortable, it's a place to relax. It is well-used and well-loved.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Twelve Months Of Trenton {Nine}

9 months later, and here we are.

You turned 9 months old on Wednesday, little love, and on Thursday you had spent exactly as much time growing and learning in this world as you spent inside my body.
Forty weeks and one day.
That's how much time I've spent looking at your face and falling more and more in love with you as each second passes.
Eighty weeks and two days.
That's how long I've loved you, and it continues to grow and grow and grow.

This month you are officially a little terror on two legs. You crawl like a maniac and you stand and you climb. You choose the most dangerous things like the stairs and the slide and the wall unit. We moved the coffee table out of the living room this month because we learned the hard way with Hailey and we won't go down that road again.
Speaking of Hailey.. do you know how much your big sister loves you?? She dotes on you.. she talks to you about the world and is always right there behind you. We joke that her children will be wrapped in bubble wrap because she is so scared of, "what if he falls??".
You are loved, little one. More than you'll know.
You have words this month, you say, "Dada" and "Mama" and "Ya!Ya!Ya!". You say "mmmMih!" when you want milk and you try your hardest to say "Hi", which was your big brother's first word, by the way.
You wave on cue, and everytime we walk outside, even if there's nobody there to wave at and it's just about the cutest thing ever.
Your hair is getting so long and it has curls and it makes me die from the cuteness. You have 6 teeth and you. eat. everything.
Have I mentioned that I love you?

Weight/Length: 17.2lb 27.5in
Size: 6 month clothes, size 3 diapers.

By the way, these pictures are getting harder and harder to take. You do not like sitting still. :)

100 posts. {A little bit of everything}

This post marks 100 at my little corner of the WWW.. while I certainly made it past 100 at my old space, this new place is much more in a much different way. A place where I can share my stories, if with nobody but myself.. a place where I can write the way I want to write and keep a log of memories.

I'm proud to have reached 100, keeping a blog isn't as easy as it might sound, and there have most certainly been days where I've thought I might not make it. I think keeping a casual mindset regarding what I want this to be helps immensely.. keeps the pressure down to a bare minimum.

This week has been an emotional roller coaster, and I have much to share and update about. My mother and father-in-law made the long trip out to see us (and meet little T!) for the first time in almost two years and as always, time flew by before we could do anything about it.. we tried to enjoy each day as it came and make the most of our short time together, but the visit was short.. much shorter than we would have liked. We miss them. Everyday.

Last weekend we drove a few hours east to celebrate with Rob's family as his cousin married her longtime boyfriend. We had a great time and I think it may have been one of the best weddings I've had the pleasure of attending.. Rob's cousin and aunt pay great attention to detail and every little thing was just beautiful. I hope that the bride and groom had a wonderful time and are very happy together for the rest of their lives.

Little T turned 9 months old on Wednesday (Yes, I have an update coming!) Holy cow. 9 months. It is just unbelievable to me. 9 months...

Well, I suppose that's all and why shouldn't it be? It's alot if you ask me.. to cram into 2 short weeks of whirlwind wonderfulness.
100 posts later and I still have lots to say. Here's to the next 100.

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