Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Twelve Months of Trenton {Six}

Six months? Really? Six? That's half a year. That's halfway to the point when we are blowing out birthday candles and watching you chase balloons around the room, stumbling on your new walking legs like a little drunk.
How has half a year passed us by since you came into our lives?? At this rate, next week you'll  be off to school and the week after that, you'll be shaving. Slow down little one!!!

Six Months:
Size: You are still so tiny..albeit tall. You wear size 3m onesies, and 3-6 month sleepers. Your feet are huge and you wear 6-12 and 12-18 socks and size 2 shoes. You are still in size 2 diapers.

Weight/Length: You were weighed last 2 weeks ago and you were 14.2, I think by now you're just under 15lbs. You're about 26 inches long, which is crazy tall! Your sister was that height at around one. I think you will take after your great-pepere and be tall as an adult. Lord knows you don't get it from Mom & Dad.

Your new favourite thing this month is your Jolly Jumper. You go crazy in it! You look like a little jack-rabbit. The first time we put you in it, you made Mom & Dad laugh so hard, we were crying. Hailey and Kaleb fell on the floor laughing at you.

You're eating solids! Your favourites so far are barley, sweet potatoes, squash and pears. Mmm. Dada bought me a new food processer for Mother's Day, so I can get busy making all sorts of delicious food for your tummy.

We are still nursing like champs with no end in sight. You still wake up once or twice in the night to nurse, but I don't mind at all. You usually go right back to sleep after and I like our quiet time together. I will remember to cherish those moments.

You talk and laugh all the time. You are always smiling. it makes us all so happy to see you smile. You're a pretty happy baby. You prefer being held, but you don't mind being put down in your bouncer every so often so I can get things done. You love, love, love being outside and I don't hear a peep from you when we're in the car or walking outside.

Thanks for the past 6 months, little buddy, here's to the next 6. :)


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