Friday, July 22, 2011

On staying cool {& staying sane}

This week, our temperatures reached record highs, and along with most of the rest of the continent, we are soaking in plenty of heat.
Yesterday the mercury rose to 37C, with the humidity reaching an unprecidented 47C.
Needless to say, other than a few in & out dips into the (not-so-cold) pool, the kids and I spent most of our time indoors, watching movies, colouring, playing video games and overall trying to escape the brutal humidity that lurked outside our windows.
These days, I am trying my best to keep the kids occupied during the summer break and when we are all trapped inside it's all we can do to not go crazy.
Here's hoping the weather lets up just a little so we can go back to enjoying our busy summer. And hey, maybe we'll even get an awesome thunderstorm when all is said and done.

Stay cool, friends.


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